About your skin
Sed eget pretium lectus, sed bibendum augue. In sollicitudin convallis blandit. Curabitur venenatis ut elit quis tempus. Sed eget sem pretium, consequat ante sit amet, accumsan nunc. Vestibulum adipiscing dapibus tortor, eget lacinia neque dapibus auctor. Integer a dui in tellus dignissim dictum eu eu orci. Integer venenatis libero a justo rutrum, eu facilisis libero aliquam. Praesent sit amet elit nunc. Vestibulum aliquam turpis tellus, sed sagittis velit suscipit molestie. Nullam eleifend convallis sodales. Aenean est magna, molestie quis viverra vitae, hendrerit nec dui.
6 articles in the category: About your skin
Winter and Outdoor Sports: How to Take Care of Your Skin in the Cold?
Published : 2024-11-18 | Categories : About your skinWhy is winter so harsh on your skin? How can you take care of your skin effectively when temperatures drop? Discover our tips for pampering your skin throughout the cold season.
What is Healing?
Published : 2024-08-14 | Categories : About your skinEverything you need to know about skin reconstruction, this complex process, and our tips for optimized healing.
Everything You Need to Know About Hyaluronic Acid, This Superstar Molecule
Published : 2024-05-29 | Categories : About your skinFrom aesthetic medicine to anti-aging cosmetics, hyaluronic acid is on everyone's lips and in all skincare products. While it is particularly known for its anti-aging and moisturizing properties, it also plays a crucial role in cellular renewal, skin regeneration, and wound healing. Let's take a closer look.
What is collagen, and how to boost its production ?
Published : 2024-05-21 | Categories : About your skinCollagen is the most abundant protein in the animal kingdom. It is found in bones, cartilage, tendons, ligaments, connective tissue and, of course, skin.
How does skin regenerate ?
Published : 2024-04-23 | Categories : About your skinHow does skin regenerate ? Why an healthy skin is key for us to feel and live well?
The benefits of sport for your skin
Published : 2024-04-15 | Categories : About your skinSport is key for the body, for the mind but also for the skin! Discover why and how sport is a major ally for your skin to be healthy.