
RGTA® + Hyaluronic Acid

Technology and mode of action

Tissue regeneration is a natural process by which most tissues renew themselves spontaneously. This process also enables tissues to be repaired following agression (illness, burns, trauma, etc.). However, selfrepair capabilities can be overwhelmed, leading to incomplete repair.

The extracellular matrix (ECM) is a key element in the process. This is a molecular scaffolding of large proteins (such as collagens, elastin, laminin, etc.) linked together by heparane sulfates (HS), which play, along with hyaluronic acid (HA), a cell supporting role in all tissues. In the ECM, HS store, protect and position signals required for migration, multiplication, and identical replacement of a dying cell by a new one. These fundamental properties of living organisms give HS a vital role in natural tissue regeneration, and HA the role of ensuring perfect ECM hydration.

These heparane sulfates are nonetheless vulnerable and are degraded by external aggressions. RGTAs® are more resistant biomimetics of HS, capable of rebuilding the molecular scaffolding of ECM. They optimise the natural regeneration process.

This new technology has been patented under the name «R3»: Replace, Regenerate, Repair.

RGTA® : a game changer

The major innovation of RGTA® technology lies in its unique ability to optimise natural regeneration.

It is a versatile technology that can be applied to a wide range of tissues when damaged, particularly in the case of epidermal microtrauma caused by sporting activities, by protecting communication peptides and restoring the initial organization and microenvironment around cells. Thanks to RGTAs®, tissues regenerate better, recovering their original function and architecture.

RGTA® + Hyaluronic Acid: a patented synergistic effect

The OTR3 laboratory has demnonstrated that combining RGTA® with hyaluronic acid maximises its pro-regenerative effects.

This association brings the following benefits:

- It increases the production of type 1 collagen, enabling better stretch and elasticity of the skin to prevent tissue tearing and improve healing. However, the production of type 3 collagen, a marker of fibrosis, is not increased.

- It maintains the body’s natural production of hyaluronic acid, which is inhibited when hyaluronic acid is used alone.

- It reduces oxidative stress in cells.